Course 4: The Discovery Stage: The Brand
know thyself
...But know thy customer’s brand first. Aspiring copywriters will get nowhere fast without essential marketing and branding underpinnings. And all of the talent in the world won't help you unless you know how to translate this to an audience. So here we're going to simply spoon-feed you branding and marketing fundamentals that will fuel any copy you create into awesomeness. Open wide, here comes the plane, nyeeeaaaawww.
Course Curriculum
The Brand
Available in
after you enroll
StartLesson 1: Course Introduction (3:01)
StartLesson 2: What is a Brand?
StartLesson 3: Who’s Talking?
StartLesson 4: How Do They Talk?
StartInterlude: The Tone of Voice Masterclass (4 part advanced video)
StartLesson 5: Who Are They Talking To?
StartLesson 6: What Are You Saying?
StartWrapping up and final task
Hungry to break into the world of copywriting?
Don’t skip steps. Becoming a freelance copywriter must be a buildable journey, starting at Course 1 and ending at the freelance finish line at Course 8.
Get the value-dripping bundle and the all-round knowledge you need.
Life will make sense that way.